Monday, October 20, 2008

First Frosty Morning at Duckpond Coffee


Coffee Messiah said...

Hey, Thanks for stopping by. This looks nice and I'm sure the coffee is good. Do you have a local roaster you use, do it yourself, or?????

Will add you to the links.

Cheers from indy-anna!

Joanne said...

Love the idea of morning music sessions with morning coffee. Very inspiring, relaxing.

tut-tut said...

If I lived a bit closer, I be over! Great music; very eye-opening.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

what a fun vid...too bad I live so far away the duckpond sure sounds like a stimulating place to have one's morning cuppa!

good tunes.... well, off to look at where exactly n.c. you are located - have good friends living in chapel hill and we do get down to that neck of the woods once a year or so....always good to know where to go when traveling!

eek - you guys sure have a heck of a lot of blog action going (12!!)- best of luck with keeping them all going and welcome to the blogosphere!!